Sunday, June 11, 2017

A little MCU Civil War for Blood of Heroes

I decided to stat up a few of the characters from Captain America: Civil War. Namely, Capt, Falcon, Bucky/Winter Soldier, and  Black Panther.

Did everyone see that Black Panther teaser trailer? Dang, that looks like it will be good.

One of these days I really need to play some Blood of Heroes. It has been a long time since I've played it, and I really enjoyed it.

Captain America
Dex: 8              Str: 6                Body: 7
Int: 7                Will: 9              Mind: 9
Infl: 8               Aura: 8             Spirit: 8
Initiative: 27                            Hero Points: 100

Powers: Recall 5, Regeneration 5, Running 5

Skills: Acrobatics 8 L, Artist (Painter) 5, Charisma: 10, Martial Artist 9 L, Military Science 8, Thief (Concealment, Escape Artist) 8 L, Vehicles 8 L, Weaponry 10
Bonus: Martial Artist has Focus of Will

Advantages: Ambidextrous, Medium Government Credentials, Intensive Training, Iron Nerves, Language (French), Leadership, Lightning Reflexes, Popularity, Sharp Eye, Connections: Avengers (High), SHIELD (High), Black Panther (High)

Drawbacks: Forced Exile, Public Identity

Shield (Body: 25, EV: 5, Gliding 2, Kinetic Absorption 10, Hardened Defenses) Limitation: Gliding only applies to throwing range.

UNIFORM (Body: 9, Radio Communication: 8)

Motorcycle (Str: 3, Body: 5, Running: 7, R#: 2)

Alter Ego: Steven Grant Rogers
Wealth: 7
Motivation: Upholding the Good
Occupation: Avenger
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Joseph Rogers (father, deceased), Sarah Rogers (mother, deceased)
Base of Operations: Mobile
Height: 6’
Weight: 194 lbs
Age: 97 (biologically 31)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond

Dex: 6              Str: 4                Body: 5
Int: 6                Will: 7              Mind: 7
Infl: 5               Aura: 5             Spirit: 5
Initiative: 21                            Hero Points: 50

Skills: Acrobatics 6 L, Martial Artist 7 L, Medicine (First Aid, Medical Treatment) 7, Military Science 6 L, Vehicles 6 L, Weaponry 7
Bonus: Martial Artist has Focus of Will

Advantages: Intensive Training, Lightning Reflexes, Sharp Eye, Connections: Avengers (High), US Air Force (High)

Drawbacks: Public Identity

EXO-7 FALCON SUIT (Body: 5, Flight: 8, Projectile Weapons: 5, Radio Communication: 8) Limitation: Flight is winged.

Goggles (Body: 2, Microscopic Vision: 3, Shade: 3, Telescopic Vision: 3, Thermal Vision: 3, Ultra Vision: 3)

Redwing (Dex: 4, Str: 1, Body: 3, Int: 1, Flight: 8, Projectile Weapons: 4, Radio Communications: 8, Telescopic Vision: 4, Thermal Vision: 4, Ultra Vision: 4)

Alter Ego: Samuel Thomas Wilson
Wealth: 7
Motivation: Responsibility of Power
Occupation: Avenger
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unrevealed
Base of Operations: Mobile
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 174 lbs
Age: 37
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

Winter Soldier/ Bucky
Dex: 7              Str: 6                Body: 7
Int: 6                Will: 3              Mind: 2
Infl: 3               Aura: 3             Spirit: 3
Initiative: 20                            Hero Points: 50

Powers: Regeneration 5, Running 5

Skills: Acrobatics: 7 L, Martial Artist: 8, Medicine (First Aid): 6 L, Military Science: 6 L, Thief: 7L, Vehicles: 7 L, Weaponry: 10

Advantages: Double Jointed, Intensive Training, Iron Nerves, Language (Russian), Lightning Reflexes, Sharp Eye, Connection: Captain America (High), Black Panther (Low)

Drawbacks: Forced Exile, Guilt, Mistrust, Serious Physical Restriction (missing arm), Serious Psychological Instability, Socially Inept

ARM (Str: 7, Body: 9)

BODY ARMOR (Body: 8)

Knives (x2) (Body: 7, EV: 3)

Pistol (Body: 5, EV: 5, Range: 5, Ammo: 7, R#: 2)

Submachinegun (Body: 4, EV: 5, Range: 5, Ammo: 6, R#: 2)

Alter Ego: James “Bucky” Barnes
Wealth: 1
Motivation: Seeking Justice
Occupation: Fugitive
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: George M. Barnes (father, deceased), Winifred C. Barnes (mother, deceased)
Base of Operations: Mobile
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 195 lbs
Age: 99 (biologically 33)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown

Black Panther
Dex: 9              Str: 5                Body: 6
Int: 8                Will: 9              Mind: 8
Infl: 7               Aura: 7             Spirit: 8
Initiative: 28                            Hero Points: 70

Powers: Running: 5

Skills: Acrobatics: 9 L, Animal Handling: 6, Charisma: 9, Gadgetry: 7, Martial Artist: 9 L, Medicine: 7, Military Science: 8 L, Thief: 9 L, Vehicles: 9 L, Weaponry: 9 L

Advantages: Ambidextrous, Area Knowledge (Wakanda), Credentials: Government (High), Double Jointed, Intensive Training, Iron Nerves, Language (English), Leadership, Lightning Reflexes, Sharp Eye, Connections: Captain America (High), Winter Soldier (Low), Wakandan Government (High), International Political Community (Low)

Drawbacks: Authority Figure, Public Identity

PANTHER HABIT (Str: 6, Body: 8, Claws: 7, Kinetic Absorption: 8)

Alter Ego: T’Challa Udaku
Wealth: 22
Motivation: Responsibility of Power
Occupation: King
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: T’Chaka Udaku (father, deceased)
Base of Operations: Wakanda
Height: 6’
Weight: 190 lbs
Age: 32
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

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