Sunday, June 11, 2017

A little MCU Civil War for Blood of Heroes

I decided to stat up a few of the characters from Captain America: Civil War. Namely, Capt, Falcon, Bucky/Winter Soldier, and  Black Panther.

Did everyone see that Black Panther teaser trailer? Dang, that looks like it will be good.

One of these days I really need to play some Blood of Heroes. It has been a long time since I've played it, and I really enjoyed it.

Captain America
Dex: 8              Str: 6                Body: 7
Int: 7                Will: 9              Mind: 9
Infl: 8               Aura: 8             Spirit: 8
Initiative: 27                            Hero Points: 100

Powers: Recall 5, Regeneration 5, Running 5

Skills: Acrobatics 8 L, Artist (Painter) 5, Charisma: 10, Martial Artist 9 L, Military Science 8, Thief (Concealment, Escape Artist) 8 L, Vehicles 8 L, Weaponry 10
Bonus: Martial Artist has Focus of Will

Advantages: Ambidextrous, Medium Government Credentials, Intensive Training, Iron Nerves, Language (French), Leadership, Lightning Reflexes, Popularity, Sharp Eye, Connections: Avengers (High), SHIELD (High), Black Panther (High)

Drawbacks: Forced Exile, Public Identity

Shield (Body: 25, EV: 5, Gliding 2, Kinetic Absorption 10, Hardened Defenses) Limitation: Gliding only applies to throwing range.

UNIFORM (Body: 9, Radio Communication: 8)

Motorcycle (Str: 3, Body: 5, Running: 7, R#: 2)

Alter Ego: Steven Grant Rogers
Wealth: 7
Motivation: Upholding the Good
Occupation: Avenger
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Joseph Rogers (father, deceased), Sarah Rogers (mother, deceased)
Base of Operations: Mobile
Height: 6’
Weight: 194 lbs
Age: 97 (biologically 31)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond

Dex: 6              Str: 4                Body: 5
Int: 6                Will: 7              Mind: 7
Infl: 5               Aura: 5             Spirit: 5
Initiative: 21                            Hero Points: 50

Skills: Acrobatics 6 L, Martial Artist 7 L, Medicine (First Aid, Medical Treatment) 7, Military Science 6 L, Vehicles 6 L, Weaponry 7
Bonus: Martial Artist has Focus of Will

Advantages: Intensive Training, Lightning Reflexes, Sharp Eye, Connections: Avengers (High), US Air Force (High)

Drawbacks: Public Identity

EXO-7 FALCON SUIT (Body: 5, Flight: 8, Projectile Weapons: 5, Radio Communication: 8) Limitation: Flight is winged.

Goggles (Body: 2, Microscopic Vision: 3, Shade: 3, Telescopic Vision: 3, Thermal Vision: 3, Ultra Vision: 3)

Redwing (Dex: 4, Str: 1, Body: 3, Int: 1, Flight: 8, Projectile Weapons: 4, Radio Communications: 8, Telescopic Vision: 4, Thermal Vision: 4, Ultra Vision: 4)

Alter Ego: Samuel Thomas Wilson
Wealth: 7
Motivation: Responsibility of Power
Occupation: Avenger
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unrevealed
Base of Operations: Mobile
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 174 lbs
Age: 37
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

Winter Soldier/ Bucky
Dex: 7              Str: 6                Body: 7
Int: 6                Will: 3              Mind: 2
Infl: 3               Aura: 3             Spirit: 3
Initiative: 20                            Hero Points: 50

Powers: Regeneration 5, Running 5

Skills: Acrobatics: 7 L, Martial Artist: 8, Medicine (First Aid): 6 L, Military Science: 6 L, Thief: 7L, Vehicles: 7 L, Weaponry: 10

Advantages: Double Jointed, Intensive Training, Iron Nerves, Language (Russian), Lightning Reflexes, Sharp Eye, Connection: Captain America (High), Black Panther (Low)

Drawbacks: Forced Exile, Guilt, Mistrust, Serious Physical Restriction (missing arm), Serious Psychological Instability, Socially Inept

ARM (Str: 7, Body: 9)

BODY ARMOR (Body: 8)

Knives (x2) (Body: 7, EV: 3)

Pistol (Body: 5, EV: 5, Range: 5, Ammo: 7, R#: 2)

Submachinegun (Body: 4, EV: 5, Range: 5, Ammo: 6, R#: 2)

Alter Ego: James “Bucky” Barnes
Wealth: 1
Motivation: Seeking Justice
Occupation: Fugitive
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: George M. Barnes (father, deceased), Winifred C. Barnes (mother, deceased)
Base of Operations: Mobile
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 195 lbs
Age: 99 (biologically 33)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown

Black Panther
Dex: 9              Str: 5                Body: 6
Int: 8                Will: 9              Mind: 8
Infl: 7               Aura: 7             Spirit: 8
Initiative: 28                            Hero Points: 70

Powers: Running: 5

Skills: Acrobatics: 9 L, Animal Handling: 6, Charisma: 9, Gadgetry: 7, Martial Artist: 9 L, Medicine: 7, Military Science: 8 L, Thief: 9 L, Vehicles: 9 L, Weaponry: 9 L

Advantages: Ambidextrous, Area Knowledge (Wakanda), Credentials: Government (High), Double Jointed, Intensive Training, Iron Nerves, Language (English), Leadership, Lightning Reflexes, Sharp Eye, Connections: Captain America (High), Winter Soldier (Low), Wakandan Government (High), International Political Community (Low)

Drawbacks: Authority Figure, Public Identity

PANTHER HABIT (Str: 6, Body: 8, Claws: 7, Kinetic Absorption: 8)

Alter Ego: T’Challa Udaku
Wealth: 22
Motivation: Responsibility of Power
Occupation: King
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: T’Chaka Udaku (father, deceased)
Base of Operations: Wakanda
Height: 6’
Weight: 190 lbs
Age: 32
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Dinosaurs & Stream of Annihilation

I've been sitting here for a little while thinking about statting up some more dinosaurs, because you really can't have enough dinosaurs. Then along comes Stream of Annihilation, and now I'm faced with deciding whether to still stat some dinos or accept that Wizards will probably be giving stats to about 15 more dinos in the near future.

I'm really looking forward to Tomb of Annihilation regardless.